Are you ready to invite more wealth and prosperity into your life?

In this article, we'll explore four powerful methods that can help you attract abundance and create a mindset of prosperity. Get ready to shift your energy and open the doors to limitless possibilities!

1. Coins

Coins in the corner of the home especially at the entrance.

It is believed by many cultures and traditions that holding physical money and placing it around the home (this can also extend to the place of business) where it can be seen in plain sight, will attract the energy of money (and abundance). 

The superstition is that the money will attract itself, and the subconscious theory (for our more sceptical people) will have this act stand as a reminder that the coins represent your desire for wealth and abundance, thus prioritising working towards this energy.

The recommendation: Place money at the home's entrance and the corners of the common areas such as the living room and kitchen.

Purposefully avoid the bedrooms as the energy of wealth and abundance isn't always conducive to sleep. 

Money energy is often associated with work, high-powered energy, and creativity (the bedroom should be all about calm, harmony and quiet). 

2. Journalling

Daily journal writing as if it's already happened. 

The following method ties in with manifestation techniques, have you heard of the 'fake it till you make it' in the spiritual world this is technically 'project the outcome you want and it will be realised.'

Journal every day, consistently, and find a time that suits you best for this practice.

The journal input should be the following;

  • The date as of today
  • Write down your goals with a tone of gratitude for what you have already accomplished (even though this part hasn't actually happened yet) i.e. I am so grateful to be picking out the door knobs of my dream home that I've nearly finished building... Then, go into the description of your 'dream home or another goal that is relevant to you. 

Watch what happens! Truly remarkable... the theory here is that we program ourselves too.

3. Candles

Green candle and affirmation writing (weekly) to call in abundance.

Lighting a green candle weekly and writing out affirmations associated with abundance to lift the energy.

Affirmation examples:

  • “I am abundant, I have everything I already need and everything I want comes easily to me”
  •  “I am a magnet for money and money comes easily to me” 
  •  “Money is energy and I welcome this into my world.”

The theory is, green is universally the colour for money and wealth.... 

by literally lighting this colour every week - you are calling in to attract this energy and magnify this energy. 

The candle stands as a symbolic torch to attract in abundance energy.

4. Giving

Giving always comes back, do something that brings your heart joy.

Often we hear that if you give with the expectation that it will come back then nothing will happen, this is somewhat true - so let's reprogram this. If you want to be universally rewarded with abundance... do something selfless! 

Go and donate either your time or money to something that truly makes your heart feel full. Even if you can't dismiss the thought that "if I do this, it will come back to me" don't worry because the idea that you have done something that gives you joy and makes you feel purposeful will override the thought of 'I do something to get something.

This theory applies to money and any other goal you may have. My husband is convinced that he met me because he signed up for a voluntary soup kitchen a couple of months before I showed up in his life. 

Give back and you will get.

Remember, these methods can be seen as mindset activities rather than purely supernatural practices.

Whether you resonate more with practicality or embrace the mystical aspects of abundance, these techniques have the power to shift your energy and attract greater prosperity into your life.

Get ready to transform your relationship with abundance and unlock a world of possibilities!