We've all had those days when negativity and stress seem to cling to us like a heavy cloud.

It's important to release this "bad day" energy before it lingers and affects our well-being and the energetic space around us. In this article, we'll explore the significance of removing bad day energy and regaining balance and positivity. We'll provide practical tips and exercises to help you release and cleanse the residual negative energy, allowing you to reset and embrace a fresh start.

Water is believed to store, move and cleanse energy… it is symbolic in so many cultural practices to achieve purification and cleansing with water! 

If you are having a difficult day, jump in the shower and ask that the energy of the day be removed from your being and taken away down the drain; say this a few times! I like to visualise the gunk and anything that doesn’t belong to me or doesn’t serve my highest self leaving my being and going down the drain!

If you've had an unpleasant conversation with your boss, a disagreement with a friend or tension in the home, follow this simple superstition the following morning.

Pour yourself a cup of tea and think about the interaction; stir the tea anticlockwise while you intentionally ask that the harshness be reduced.

Drink the tea in full! Let the Universe do the rest, and take a deep breath knowing the situation will be minimised.

Removing bad day energy is essential for maintaining your energetic well-being and creating a positive environment. Energy can attach itself to us, leaving behind residual negativity that can impact our mood and mindset. By embracing the practices shared in this article, you can effectively release and cleanse the energy of a challenging day, allowing you to restore balance, uplift your spirits, and invite positive energy back into your life.