$157.00 AUD

Single Question Email Reading

Step into the realm of personalised guidance with Danya's Single Question Email Reading.

This exclusive offering allows you to submit a specific question close to your heart, and Danya will use her intuitive gifts and expertise to provide profound insights.

Key Features:

  1. Tailored Guidance: Ask a single, focused question that matters most to you. Receive guidance and clarity on any aspect of your life, whether it's love, career, relationships, or personal growth.

  2. Audio and Written Response: Immerse yourself in a unique experience. Danya will provide a combination of an audio file and a written response, allowing you to absorb the insights in a way that resonates with you.

  3. Gift of Insight: This reading makes for a thoughtful and meaningful gift. Surprise a loved one with the opportunity to gain valuable insights and navigate life's challenges with guidance from Danya.

  4. Limited Availability: Act fast! This offering is strictly limited in availability. Once all spots are filled, this unique opportunity will be gone. Don't miss your chance to connect with Danya on a deeply personal level.

Danya's Single Question Email Reading is your chance to receive personalised guidance that speaks directly to your soul. Navigate life's complexities with confidence and make empowered decisions guided by the wisdom of the cards.

Please note that I will not respond to questions that fall under the below topics/themes;

  • Mediumship (speaking with loved ones that have passed)
  • Trauma clearing
  • Health or medical intuition (including pregnancy and fertility treatment)
  • Enquiries around infidelity
  • Anything I feel is unethical

Secure your spot now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and clarity.

*Please note that you will receive an email with a link to submit your question after purchase. Readings can take up to fourteen (14) days to be completed and sent. These readings will be focused on the next 12-24 months.