$257.00 AUD

Private Travel Protection [Family]

The travel protection ritual is designed to safeguard you on your journey, wherever your path may lead.

Who is it for?
This ritual is perfect for anyone setting off on a trip, whether it's a weekend getaway, a long-awaited vacation, or a business venture abroad.

What does it cover?

  • Safe Passage: This ritual aims to smooth your travels, protecting you from transportation mishaps.
  • Physical Wellbeing: The ritual seeks to shield you from minor illnesses and accidents that might derail your trip.
  • Cultural Awareness: The blessing can enhance your ability to navigate unfamiliar places and customs, fostering positive interactions.
  • Travel with Confidence: Reduce pre-trip jitters and venture forth with a sense of security.
  • Embrace the Unknown: The ritual can ease anxieties about unfamiliar destinations, allowing you to embrace your adventure fully.
  • Inner Strength: The ceremony can bolster your inner compass, promoting well-being and resilience throughout your travels.


Upon purchase, your ritual will commence within ten (10) business days, ensuring my undivided attention and presence throughout. You will then receive a completion email and notes on how the ritual played out and any steps you can take to enhance your protection.

NOTE: Please email me directly if you're travelling within the next two weeks to ensure the ritual is complete before your departure.


Other Options

If you're travelling as a couple or as a family, I have protection options for everyone;


Ritual Process

Preparation: Gather a white candle, a small bowl of salt, four cloves of garlic, a piece of paper, and a pen.

Creating a Sacred Space: Light the white candle, symbolising the traveller's journey.

Create a circle of protection by sprinkling salt clockwise around the candle.

Protection and Blessings: Arrange the four garlic cloves in a cross formation around the candle, representing the cardinal directions (North, South, East, West) and offering additional protection.

On the piece of paper, write the traveller's name, date of birth, and approximate travel dates.

Place the paper on the south side of the candle, symbolising their safe return.

Chant three times, focusing on positive intentions:

"The Universe is working with me to ensure your safe travel and your safe return
Your time away is protected
Your time away is divine and a gift to you. You will return with stories of laughter and happy memories. You are safe. You are safe. You are safe."


The next day, bury the garlic cloves in rich soil, preferably near greenery or flowers, symbolising grounding and a happy return.

Return to the ritual space and burn the paper, expressing gratitude:

"Thank you, thank you, thank you,"

Until it turns to ash and then dispose of the ashes in the sink.

Allow the candle to burn completely, signifying the completion of the blessing.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.

With love,
Danya x